Open-source platform for data organization and analyses that is free and up-to-date. You will need access to R for the sake of this course. Although R should already be available on the lab PCs, I recommend you install it on a local/personal machine if you want to play around with the language in your own time.
You can find further instructions on how to install R and the accompanying RStudio by clicking on the link here.
Please make sure you have access to R and RStudio as these will be required to complete this course.
3 + 3 # We can add
## [1] 6
5 - 3 # Or subtract
## [1] 2
5*3 # We can multiply
## [1] 15
6/2 # Or divide
## [1] 3
2^2 # Exponents
## [1] 4
1 + 2 * 4 # We can link operations in sequence
## [1] 9
The sequence of mathematical operations matter.
(1+2) * 4 # By placing round brackets, we tell R to focus on the enclosed operation first
## [1] 12
That looks about right! Practice with the arithmetic operators!
We can assign values to variables. Values can include numbers or characters/words.
his.age <- 45 # We can store single values inside variables...
her.age <- 35
# Then operate on the new variables directly
his.age - her.age
## [1] 10
Be careful when assigning variable names! R is case-sensitive, and there may be in-built functions/arguments within R that your code may conflict with. Some rules of thumb to avoid this is to use lower-case letters, include a ‘.’ between terms, and ensure the variable names are clear
We can store multiple values inside a vector (for now we will only deal with numeric values)
# The 'c' stands for 'concatenate'
their.ages <- c(22,35,42)
# Let's look at the output...
## [1] 22 35 42
We can operate on vectors which have similar length
their.ages2 <- c(27,31,44)
# We can subtract from the vector defined earlier
## [1] 5 -4 2
If vectors do not match in length, R will notify you about the error
their.ages3 <- c(15,16,25,17)
their.ages4 <- c(22,21,30)
their.ages3 - their.ages4 # What happens when we subtract?
## Warning in their.ages3 - their.ages4: longer object length is not a multiple of
## shorter object length
## [1] -7 -5 -5 -5
We can extract particular values within vectors by indexing their position(s). Specifically, we can tell R where our value of interest is located, and R will extract out the necessary item.
Suppose we want to extract the FIRST value in the vector created earlier
their.ages[1] # Select first value in series
## [1] 22
Similarly, we can extract the SECOND value by updating the index
## [1] 35
Or the THIRD value
## [1] 42
We can select multiple values by describing their index positions
# Suppose we want to extract the second and third values
their.ages[2:3] # or `their.ages[2,3]`
## [1] 35 42
We can assign ranges which R can select from…
# Suppose we want to know how many persons within a group are 18 years or above
their.ages2 >= 18
After creating our new variable with the desired values (all persons over the age of 18), we can ask R to identify how many individuals are exactly 27 years old within our new variable [their.ages2]
# Is the exact number '27' within the specific age group
their.ages2 == 27
# We can ask for all numbers that are NOT equal to a given value
their.ages2 != 27
Provide your responses on a text document with your student ID and submit it on dropbox.